viernes, 17 de julio de 2020

El Rey de España no es español.

Constitución Española de 1978.


De los Derechos y Deberes Fundamentales


Artículo 14

Los españoles son iguales ante la ley, sin que pueda prevalecer discriminación alguna por razón de nacimiento, raza, sexo, religión, opinión o cualquier otra condición o circunstancia personal o social.

De la Corona

Artículo 56

3La persona del Rey es inviolable y no está sujeta a responsabilidad. Sus actos estarán siempre refrendados en la forma establecida en el artículo 64, careciendo de validez sin dicho refrendo, salvo lo dispuesto en el artículo 65, 2.



 Ésta es la matemática:

 Todos los españoles son iguales ante la ley.

 El Rey de España no es un igual ante la ley.

 El Rey de España no es español. 

domingo, 12 de julio de 2020





 Albert Sans y Joaquín César Plana Alcaraz han publicado un segundo volumen de  traducciones al Español de textos de George C. de Lantenac.


Enlaces seguros y gratuitos para descargar la obra:

sábado, 4 de julio de 2020

Albert Sans - The castaways.

The castaways.

  He had read in the books that there were islands where castaways lived. That they were alone and that they ended up feeling alone. That they went mad, that their hope wavered. And that if they had glass jars with a stopper, and writing materials, they would throw one of those into the sea with a letter asking for help and offering an approximate location between sunrise and sunset.

  So he wrote the message We'll find you. I send you warm hug, my friend., put it in a glass bottle and, after plugging it, ran to the river and threw it far into the stream.

  And it was when he was no longer reading about castaways that, sitting on the bank of that river, he observed in the brief waves an unusual reflection that seemed to approach and recognized by it a glass bottle that floated towards where he was. And, reaching it, he got rid of the stopper to extract from the inside the same message that was entrusted to the waters, but written by a different hand.


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